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Hi, I’m Nigel. Me and my human like to go exploring! I’m not really sure what we are looking for, but I am making lots of doggy friends along the way. I like to be chased! I am very bouncy. I like to eat poo. My human doesn’t like this so much so I try and do it when she’s not looking. Sometimes it makes me sick, but this just means I get to eat it all over again.


People tell me I look like Snowy, I don’t know this Snowy fellow but he sounds like a real cool doggo who has adventures with his human named Tintin, who I guess is similar to my human Trixie. Other people say I look like Falcor. Trixie tried to make me watch the film he is in, but to be honest I found it more interesting licking my balls. As nice as it is being compared to these characters, I would like to express that I am neither Snowy nor Falcore, I am NIGEL.


If any four legged friends would like to get in touch then please bark away, I’d love to hear from you! I promise I will bark back. 




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