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  • Writer's pictureTrixie Sparkles


This week in #creatureoftheweek we are looking at the #Manananggal, a type of Aswang that's a terrifying "feotus-eater" from #Filipinofolklore.

Manananggal by Kyzosart on Deviant Art

First up, whats an "Aswang"?

If you haven’t heard of #Aswang, let’s start there. Aswang are from Filipino folklore, it is an umbrella term for evil shape-shifting creatures such as #vampires, #werewolves, #witches, and other human-beast hybrids.

What is so particularly terrifying about the Manananggal?

Did you hear what I said? It's a #FOETUSEATER! They love to eat unborn babies. Need I say more?! They feast on slumbering pregnant women, using their long tongue to pierce through the mothers navel, injecting enzymes into the unborn baby that turns it into goo so they can drink it up.

What do they look like?

They are usually female, they can separate their upper torso from their lower half and can sprout massive bat-like wings. Their tongue is long and thin for piercing women's wombs. It's like something from a horror film! Imagine waking up to see the Manananggal's long tongue hanging from the ceiling of your bedroom, poking through your belly and going into your womb as it tries to eat your baby!

OMG! That's horrifying, what can I do to stay safe?

There are a few very early warning signs that a Manananggal is in your area, this includes:

  1. Seeing weird animals: Suspicious appearances of random dogs, cats, or overgrown birds and bats that start hanging around your home could well be Manananggal.

  2. Encountering weird people: Shady characters who suddenly become overly interested in your baby bump, like an old lady needing water or a mysterious admirer who can't take their eyes off your tummy is another classic red flag.

  3. Hearing weird noises: Listen out for weird noises around the house - footsteps tapping on your roof, claws scraping, howls and animalistic sounds, and a strange bird-like "tik-tik-tik-tik" noise with an ominous tune – that's them!

If you encounter any of these warning signs, please ask your neighbours to keep an eye out - they might confirm your fears and see one lurking on your roof. Or if you're worried your neighbours won't take your concerns seriously, perhaps think about upgrading your home security and install some motion-sensor cameras.

What if one get's into my bedroom?

It's really not ideal if one get's into your bedroom, but try to stay calm. Think vampire - they are very similar. Hang garlic and crosses up everywhere, they won't like that, and have a spray bottle next to your bed filled with holy water. That should be enough to scare them off.

However, if you really want to do away with it once-and-for-all then capture it! Hold it's head and torso captive until morning because if it doesn't return to the rest of it's body by sunrise then it will die.

I know this all sounds very scary, but if you are a pregnant or know know a mum-to-be, just stay alert and if you see any signs of a Manananggal, just be prepared. Good luck.


Do you have any tips for avoiding the Manananggal, or any other Aswang? Let us know below.

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