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  • Writer's pictureTrixie Sparkles

Top 8 creatures to watch out for this Christmas!

Updated: Dec 30, 2021

This is just a reminder to everyone to please stay safe, there are a lot of scary creatures out there this time of year, most of them trying to eat you, kidnap you or have a rhyming battle with you.

Here are my top 8 creatures/evil spirits to watch out for 👀

Krampus - A demonic half-goat monster with horns and a long tongue. He carries a birch to whip bad children and drags chains behind him. HE has a sack for kidnapping the kids who have been particularly naughty.
Frau PErchta - Once a goddess, Frau Perchta is an evil witch who slits the bellies of naughty children and stuffs their corpses with straw.
Mari Lwyd - A horse skull that turns up on your doorstep with a parade of people behind them. It sings rhymes at you and you have to sing back, telling it why it can't come in. IF you lose the rhyming batter of wits the horse will come in and steal your food and beer.
Père Foutettard - A butcher and cannibal who liked to kil weathly children, carve up their bodies and hide them in barrels. Saint Nicholas found the children, brought them back to life, and then forced Père Fouettard to be his manservant for eternity. He now follows St Nick around, dealing with the problem children.
Hanns Trapp - A greedy man who made a deal with the Devil to become rich. The church exiled him after finding out he was involved with witchcraft. He went crazy and began roaming the countryside disguised as a scarecrow, obsessed with the idea of tasting human flesh. He kidnapped and cooked a local boy and was about to eat him when he was truck down by lightning. Hanns Trapp died but returns on Christmas, going from door to door looking for young, tasty children to eat.
Gryla - a giantess who enjoys eating the flesh of children. During Chistmas she kidnaps the naughty one and takes them to her cave, cooking them in her giant cauldron to make them into stew. Gryla has a lazy husband called Leppalúði, 13 mischievous troll sons called the Yule Lads, and a cat, Jólakötturinn, otherwise known as the Yule Cat.
The Yule Lads are the 13 sons of Grýla and Leppalúði. The mischievous pranksters each come down from the mountains one by one during the 13 nights before Yule, stealing and harassing the locals. Their names are Sheep-Cote Clod, Gully Gawk, Stubby, Spoon-Licker, Pot-Scraper, Bowl-Licker, Door-Slammer, Skyr-Gobbler, Sausage-Swiper, Window-Peeper, Doorway-Sniffer, Meat-Hook and Candle-Stealer. Their names describe their favourite way of harassing.
Yule Cat - Jólakötturinn or the Yule Cat is a huge and vicious cat who lurks about the snowy countryside during Christmas time and eats people who either haven't recieved new clothes for Christmas or aren't wearing the new clothes they've been given.

Please try not to be too naughty this Christmas as it will only increase your chances of getting terrorised by them. if you are naughty, then please stay on high alert!

Who do you think is the scariest? Are there any I missed that you think should have made it on there? Have you ever encountered any of them? Let us know below!

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